Friday, September 21, 2012

1 month old!

He was over our little photo shoot at his point!
It is hard to believe our little guy is already 1 month old!  We had his check up and he weighs 8 pounds 7 ounces now (16th percentile) and is 22 inches long (68th percentile).  His weight for his length is only in the 3rd percentile...never would have guessed we would have a long and skinny baby!  We took photos of him on the chair in his room with his alligator that Ben and Zach gave him in the hospital.  We will try to take photos here every month so you can see how much he changes from month to month. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Out of town visitors!

Sarah and Ann came in town Labor Day weekend so we took some Skowronek family photos

Michael came to visit and meet Matthew in September

First few weeks...

Mom and Sarah helped us with the first few nights...

Dad and Norma came by to visit...they kept Bailey for us all week (thank goodness!) 

Janet came the next weekend to help

First sponge bath at home

Ann came Labor Day Weekend (more pictures to come later)

 Our first few weeks at home were filled with lots of visits and help from family and friends...Matthew spent most of his time sleeping :)  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Newborn Photos

He loved being outside!

Aggie outfit :)

Sweet baby
Bailey posed nicely for the photos as well...

Janet was in town helping us so our photographer got a few good ones of her with Matthew too!

He slept for most of the photo shoot so we had trouble getting any with his eyes open!
We had Matthew's newborn photos taken at our house when he was 6 days old.  We love how they turned out.  These are some of our favorites! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Going Home...

All ready to go!

We made it the fun really begins!

Meeting the Family

Meeting everyone for the first time...

Aunt Chelsea

Cousins!  Meeting Ben and Zach

Grandmother Janet


Aunt Sarah
Aunt Ann joined us via Facetime...
Uncle Kyle was there the night before but he just missed meeting Matthew by a few hours. 

Bapa and Norma
Uncle Seth was there too...he was busy taking photos and we didn't manage to get one of him with Matthew.  Uncle Michael met Matthew via Facetime as well. 
We are so glad everyone was there with us!