Sunday, February 23, 2014

Christmas in Houston - Part 1

We returned to Houston the day after Christmas for even more gifts and celebrating.  Matthew started antibiotics to help clear up his ear infections so he was starting to feel better and was in a much better mood.  He loved playing with Ben & Zach and all of his new toys.  Here are some cute ones from our house...

"Helping" decorate the tree

Gifts for Baby Harrison 

A big kiss for Aunt Ann

Santa's elves

Christmas in Dallas

We took Matthew to Dallas for Christmas with the Hodge family.  Unfortunately he got sick while we were there so we don't have many good pictures :(  His first ear infection was definitely not fun for any of us!  We did enjoy seeing our family (although we did not manage to get any pictures with aunts, uncles, or cousins!), visiting the George Bush Presidential Library on the SMU campus, and of course lots of fun playtime at the house!  Here are a few pictures from the can tell our poor little guy doesn't feel very well but he still loved playing with his new toys!!

He loved pulling everything out of his stocking...and then putting it all back in and doing it again!  

He loved his Cozy Coupe!

A piano just for me!! 

Hodge family tradition...helping Daddy make waffles Christmas morning