Sunday, March 23, 2014

19 months!

I am clearly behind on the blog and am just now getting around to writing about Matthew at 18 months...and now he is already 19 months!  Time is flying so this will be a 19 month post instead! 

Weight: 24 pounds
Height: 33 inches (85%!!) 

Matthew is 19 months old and basically never stops moving!  He is very active and into everything! He is learning so much and trying very hard to talk. He has learned tons of new words the last 2 months and tries to repeat almost everything we say. We love watching him learn and listening to him try to say new words :) 

Matthew's "words" idea where he got some of these words but we understand him! 
Gun-guh (dog)DadaNana (banana)
No no 
Na - na (snack) 
Didos (dinosaurs) 
Ne-nin (melon) 
Cha (coffee) 
Sha (pacifier)
Ca-ca (fish) 
Du-du (truck) 
Duddles (bubbles) 
Mama (Grandma) 
Mum (Grandmother) 
Harrison (sort of...we are still practicing!) 

He loves animals and knows lots of animal sounds.  Dinosaurs and dogs are his favorite right now. He watches Dinosaur Train and roars when the dinosaurs roar. He points out dinosaurs, dogs, and fish everywhere he sees them. There is a fountain at his school with fish the we say hi and bye to daily. 

Favorite Foods: 
Fruit - he loves melon, strawberries and apples
Yogurt - only if the fruit is mixed in (major melt down if the fruit is not mixed in!) 
Hot Dogs
Chips and queso 
Green beans 

Favorite things to do:
He still loves to cook in the kitchen - the real kitchen and his play kitchen! 
Play with his dinosaurs
Play with his cars and airplanes
Listen to music 
Play with his farm and farm animals 
Play with just about anything outside...the weather is getting nice and we spend LOTS of time outside!  He loves to play at the park.  
Read books
Play tug-of-war with Bailey

Favorite Books: 
Toot the Train
Hello Dinosaur
Valentine's Day is Here
My First Colors
My First Words
Daddy and Me 

Pictures of our sweet 19 month old! 
 Big boy does not like to sit in his high chair anymore
Building towers with Daddy

Fun visit from Mum and Grandad

Nana came to visit us! 

Playing with Bapa in Austin

 Loves his cousins! 

Loves playing in our backyard


1 comment:

  1. He's getting soooo big!!! Glad that Nana got a "shout out!" Hope to see all 3 of you this summer for Nana's 90th!
